Friday, March 2, 2012

InfoQ: Technical Debt Is Now Costing Us $3.61 Per Line Of Code

InfoQ: Technical Debt Is Now Costing Us $3.61 Per Line Of Code:

  • CAST now estimates technical debt to cost companies $3.61 per line of code.

  • 35% of those items considered to be technical debt were severe enough to adversely affect support of the system studied, potentially resulting in security, performance or uptime issues.

  • Outsourced and in-house developed applications didn’t show any difference in structure quality.  The same was true for onshore and offshore applications.

  • Java EE applications were the most prevalent among those studied and received significantly lower performance scores as well as carrying greater technical debt than other languages.

  • Established development methods such as agile and waterfall scored significantly better in structural quality than custom methods, while waterfall scored the highest in transferability and changeability.

  • COBOL applications scored the highest in security, while .NET applications received the lowest security scores.

  • Modularity of systems may contribute to lower quality and reduced performance.

  • Government systems tend to be the lowest in maintainability.

  • The more frequently the code is released the higher the technical debt.