Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Fifth Element of The Discipline

It was a bit confised by evaluating people's performance using CAN×WILL² formula. That's because it's not always obvious what prevents one from the top performing - lack of skills or lack of motivation.
Discipline * Skill = Competence formula makes it more exact. And the (self-)discipline mainly consists just of the following elements:

  1. Value
  2. Time control
  3. Focus
  4. Motivation
Corresponding actions to keep the discipline are simple:
  1. Help people understand the importance of things;
  2. Help people to control time by teaching time management skills;
  3. Help people in focusing by teaching them techniques so that they don't forget
  4. Show people how to make their tasks more enjoyable, 'cause fun is a crusial part of motivation.
But that's not it. There is the 5th element. And it is you.
It is you who must lead by example. You must show self-discipline if you want people to follow with similar behaviour.

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