Monday, February 13, 2012

Creativity Patterns

Creative Thinking Hacks by Scott Berkun
and implementations in SW development.

1. Journal
Backlog, Test List, To Be Improved part of Retrospective, Futurespective

2. Escape
Focus-Manna, PomodoroBreak

3. Invert
If you're stuck, come up with ideas for the opposite of what you want
Assert First, Test First, DIP?, IoC?

4. Partner
Can't find a partner? Find a rival.
Pair Programming, Mentoring/Coaching, Peer Code Review, Coding Dojo

5. Fail
The first draft of anything is shit
-Ernest Hemingway
Prototyping, Spiking

6. Switch Modes
If stuck: find new way to represent the problem, using a
different mode of communication.

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